Beware Of Papabile Who Can Be Blackmailed

Beware Of Papabile Who Can Be Blackmailed

After spending four years interviewing more than 1,500 cardinals, bishops, and priests, French sociologist Frederic Martel concluded that “80 percent of Vatican …
Sally Dorman
Frederic Martel is not to be trusted. He just labelled more or less anyone as "gay" without any proof.
Boanerges Boanerges
If you have not been informed: the Rome has fallen, the enemies have taken the See of Peter. The Church is a remnant now.
John A Cassani
Are there any papabile who are not blackmailable?
Randy Engel book traces pope Paul VI escapades with a man named Paul to think two popes took the name of Paul VI lover instead Paul the apostle. JPII JPI
ST Peter Damian. book Gomorrah should be on every Catholic reading list.